Sunday, October 01, 2006

Godmother,,, kind’f mother-f-er…

Hari ini gw talking2 ama dilla ttg Angkatan. Lupa gw ngemeng apa… Tapi kalo g slh apa y? Mungkin ttg jwbnya si angkatan… Tau ah! Saat m’bhs that problem,,, sumbody dtg tiba2, Asking for help… about the same problem, so I jadi malu…. LIA tinggal 2 pertemuan lagi euy… Yah… siapa ya guru selanjutnya? Besok TO SSC! Aku lupa! Soul of the day: being a godmother of that is very hard, you know? Song of the day: lagu2 di MP3 HP aku Chillin’ time: ketawa2 brg Tyas ama di LIA